PBPL has worked with DHI and FORCE Technology to use the Port’s 90km shipping channel as a ‘living laboratory’ to develop the worlds’ most advanced under keel clearance technology – NCOS Online (Nonlinear Channel Optimisation Simulator system).
NCOS Online is world-leading software that provides a seven-day detailed forecast of a vessel’s under keel clearances (UKC) and environmental conditions with a web interface, allowing for dynamic vessel scheduling.
Its introduction means PBPL and key stakeholders including the Harbour Master can more safely and accurately determine the UKC required to cater for larger vessels, providing safety and flexibility benefits for customers.
NCOS Online is the only vessel UKC forecast system in the world to have the same high level of accuracy as a Full Mission Bridge Ship Simulator. It combines state-of-the-art technology with decades of operational port experience and leverages the ability to do quick field trials to ensure an accurate and reliable operational solution.
By incorporating forecast and real time environmental data, vessel specifications and transit information, NCOS Online allows vessels of all classes to maximise its cargo and sailing windows while maintaining optimal safety. It is compatible with any vessel design and size.
The software has an easy-to-use interface, tailored to accommodate the specific requirements of the multiple user groups including the Harbour Master, VTS, pilots and port operations.
Since NCOS went ‘live’ at the Port of Brisbane in August 2017, the number of deep drafted bulk carriers above 14.0m calling at the Port draft has tripled and deep drafted containers above 13.0m has more than doubled (as at May 2018)
Smart Infrastructure Award – Infrastructure Partnerships Australia 2018
Innovative Support Services Award – Dredging and Port Construction Innovation Awards 2017 (London)
More information
For more information about NCOS Online, please contact Alan Turner, Senior Manager Operations, on (07) 3258 4888