community engagement


The Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd (PBPL) is an active member of the local community in which it operates. We are a proud supporter of innovative local environmental and community groups who make a positive contribution to the local area.

PBPL is committed to listening to and learning from community and stakeholder feedback as we seek to continually improve port operations and minimise our impacts on customers, the local community and the environment.

We encourage feedback about all aspects of the Port. If you are a member of the community, a customer or a local resident, you can contact PBPL on 07 3258 4888 or email


Our community engagement is guided by the Community Consultative Committee, which comprises representatives from environment, business and community groups with an interest in Port of Brisbane’s activities and its impact on neighbouring communities.

The CCC provides a direct link to our stakeholders and local communities through whom we raise awareness about the Port, its development and plans for the future. The Committee meets quarterly.


Local not-for-profit organisations and registered charities are encouraged to apply for a grant funding of up to $2,500 as part of PBPL’s Community Consultative Committee (CCC) Grant Program. 

Applications can be submitted to PBPL’s Community Relations Manager, Edward Harwood, for consideration at quarterly committee meetings. Edward can be contacted on 07 3258 4888 or

To find out more about the CCC Grant Program