Health and safety

We strive to provide a healthy and safe workplace for all of our employees, contractors and visitors by ensuring Safety First is our number one company value.

Our key objectives are to have:

  • a workplace where health and safety management and leadership is a core responsibility of our managers and supervisors

  • a workplace where health and safety management and leadership is integrated into core business activities

  • a culture that inspires awareness of and personal responsibility for health and safety

  • an occupational health and safety management system that meets ISO 45001 requirements and complies with statutory obligations and expectations.

Our Health and Safety Policy outlines our approach to health and safety at the Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd.
Port of Brisbane Health and Safety Leaders’ Forum meet four times a year to network and discuss health and safety issues and share initiatives. 

If you would like to be part of the quarterly health and safety discussion and share your insights with others, please contact our Health & Safety Manager, Tony Smith on (07) 3258 4888 or email



Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd's Business Management System  has achieved certification with no non-conformances under:

  • ISO9001:2015 Quality Management Systems

  • ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems

  • ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems